Friday, August 18, 2017


 OKAY, bear with me while I figure the world of technology out. I'm not of that realm.
I'm beyond 8 track tapes but just barely. But I do have to say as a blogger this IPAD be the bomb.
I think I'm in love with my IPAD which means I have to name it. I will wait for it to speak to me.

 What makes a mind great? Does it come from desire or is it a matter of DNA ? Or as I believe
All things come pre-destined. I believe that there are no accidents. Every single micro association
Of your everyday life is in pre-determined design . We look at the world watching for clues, signs, verbal cues. But do we look past the apparent? Of course, many of us do, and that's when things become YELLOW. Sometimes hazy because you can't believe what your eyes are seeing. The awake dream state. Happens a lot when death comes around.

 I've lived most of my life in a knee jerk state of fight or flight. And working at an asylum perpetuates that state of mind. Never speaking , progressing at breakneck speed to process the meat presented before you, to communicate with those who speak no language. Those who hear only the sounds of different levels of humming. Then silence comes once you've done your time, and as for me and my mate its complete silence. From screaming buzzers and belts and people to complete silence, and yes it is golden, a nice form of yellow.


Thursday, August 17, 2017


Greetings : first of all let me make my vow , even though my promises are never to be trusted, that I will do my best to stay un-political. Not neutral..... just the best I can do. Scouts honor

It's been such a long time since I've sat before a keyboard and I'm older now.  Perhaps it will come back ? There are times when the ideas flow from my mind and its like an endless river, like anyone might experience whilst road raging, working, hating, loving , you name it. The mind has a tendency to go the abstract in thought to escape and if you're a manic depressive its at that exact point where God takes his finger and touches my head just with the warm quintessential tip........... and it's electric! There were times when I would stay in the zone for days. Work at the asylum and loss/sadness took that away. It's amazing what loss and sadness will do. I have grown to never trust yin and yang. Are the rewards really worth the loses? Payment of spiritual debt and then the affirmation of a greater spiritual level having survived.... is it worth it? It's been a tough week, but a blessed life.  You will find that my work is directly stream of consciousness.  Fuck comma's , sentence fragments, I don't care about any of that.  I process. I regurgitate. I spin it round and make you wonder if what you are reading is really truth or fiction. Is it possible to live fiction? Why would it not be?  Six of one half dozen of the other.....ones mans floor anothers ceiling.......... seriously..... yes you can live fiction! But it must be in the genes.  
Right now at this point in time how are you feeling?  Are you living on one plane?  Maybe floating a few more streams at once? Hey, ,,,,, it happens . Roughly once the "EFFECT' happens there's no way out.... you're in a way different level of vibration ....... yellow YELLOW......... you either want to wallow with the circus clowns, which don't get me wrong, I'm down with that.... its cool. PADDY O. DADDY O.  We are living in perhaps on of the most significant times of the whole frigging existence of  IDIOCRACY AND THE BODY SNATCHERS AND EVERY MOVIE WE EVER BELIEVED TO BE OF WHAT EVER INTEREST.  We are living in a different dimension.  We'll have a total eclipse to add to the fun, people are melding into so many segments that I would say, YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE OUTSIDE TO PLAY". PERSONALLY.... I IDENTIFY WITH THE CANINE GROUP FROM A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ERA.... RUNNING THROUGH THE WOODS...  so fast, so easy. I would think this in the meantime would lower my insurance rates so perpahs you might hear about it at a RAGE party I'm holding for trans canine rights/!!! TRANS CANINE RIGHTS NOW!! DAMN IT!! GIVE IT TO ME OR I'LL EAT YOUR YOUNG FOR DINNER.... grrrrrrr....... I would leave you with a picture but I haven't figured this pad out . It's the pro.  Which for me is complete overkill .  Please join me.....Things fire up again now. 

Goodnight Wayne