Been hanging out with my man Jerry Uselton and of course my woman Lisa Gilapeau; not to mention several dogs and cats in varying states of coming and going. ---But all stages of life are tough. Being rasied not to feel anything other than fight or flight makes everyday a cinematic day. TECHNOMATIC ..... and while the days pass in a state of accleration when I look back I see a slo-mo goulash of happenstance. It was brought to my attention last week that "people" don't walk onto nor into unusual sights or interactions everyday. I HAVE. EVERY SINGLE DAY! those capital letters are the Aries coming out in me , I'm so 23 like that. Nothing personal to the group of 20 somethings whoever they are. peace and love .
Becasue I am an aries. and while for the longest time that subject has been hoo doo poo poo to a lot of people that I being of relatively sound mind and tormented judgemental skills judge most skepically. There IS something happening here ....AND MOST CERTAINLY ain't exactly clear.
We the boomers have seen this before............. this is not new. sorry. You're not that special. The boomers have seen some shit. But we have always kept moving by a maniacal force. BECAUSE WE HAVE TO REMEMBER WHERE WE CAME FROM ! Is it strange we should change? I don't know..... why don't you ask her? ( a little neil young thrown down there) Because once again in our boomer status we are seeing and living this shitopia of brain matter collide. Mary Shelley's world is becoming real to me......so tangable.
Now the work above is Jerry Uselton and if you've follow me before then you're aleady aware of Jerry. There are 500 baaaaah zillion artist's in the world ....... let's be two of them. Or form a group. It will be the We All Know Something You Dont Club and when we meet we will share an object or a story ...... matters not but should be unique. Just a brain glitch. Shite happens.
This Sunday, which is most unfortunately for me a Saturday ... it's about memories. And the memories will become stories. My cargo has indeed been strange and heavy.

In my thoughts now as I'm working being it like a slave ,or as an artist on a lenghty Sabbatical I still see the and connect with the animals far more than humans. In fact I hold them in my heart as the Living Christ.
I have experienced most every kind of hoo doo you can imagine. Along with my family ....large but dysfunctional in a hitchcock way. I was born in an asylum/ santarium as I believe I have currently mentioned , as well as a hospital. Deemed by Ellen G White to be a promised land per the man, God. I can recall many a summer day as a child my mom talking with by passers, people who had gotten out of the sanitarium and were out for a stroll. My mother was kind to these people, she was able to calm their energy. The ranch home I grew up in was a mini cosmic magnetical forum for the arriving.

"They" say that cats aren't bothered by unidentified flying objects. Once contained in an enclosed area they are in tune to every spectrum of energy. Don't underestimate these beings! They are majestic hunters! And whilst the bear might a force , or the allmight grasp of the shark, the thought of coming close to the big cats can make me shiver in me boots. God's praises to these majestic creatures that I have had the privledge to have know at birth and death. I am blown away by the animal kingdom, and I accept them and pray they accept me. For my sins are many.