How about August ?
Up until now in my whole wide life all thought I've given to August is that it's black dog sweating hot . As far back as my childhood August and September are the seasons of smelly people , dogs, city streets. You name it. And I will proudly say now that I hate the heat. I was born a heat hater. name it ! You call it . The people that worship the sun, I think about those people and it seems that ..... these people are locked in childhood. Sunlight is good , yaw . There was this time in September long long ago.... now gather close, shhhhh.
Let me think.... it was 1967. Maybe I was listening to the Archies around that time. The Archies were were a comic rock band based on a comic book. They produced teen age hits. Better than Katy Perry and most of the jacked up jive ass rabid rabbit that's out there now.
But anyway. It was that ending of summer when the leaves were falling and gathering in wind blown piles then nature would touch them , as today , with that sleepy eyed rest is coming aroma. And it was then in a little town called Old Hickory during a late summer evening that I felt my first twang / awakening/ recognition/ surprise of something called love. Something called attraction. His name was Phil, and up until that moment I had been repulsed by the very sight of him. He never wore shoes, he was covered in freckles, tall and thin. Conan o Brien comes to mind. And there we were in the leaves talking 60's stuff and the wind blew while
he shuffled his feet in the leaves. Such a I was 10 years old and had just completely lost it. And as a creature of perpetual habit the first thing I did was take in the scent of the season and embraced what that scent would forever remind me of.
50 years later what do we have ?
It's all gone .